Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bye Bye London...

Hello Bumblefuck; definied in the dictionary as "a location inconveniently far away" or alternatively "an imaginary place where all the residents are hicks, rednecks, or otherwise backwards" (well we haven't had a Tory MP in Winchester since 97 so maybe I'm being a bit unfair)

Yes, three years have passed and Spindoctor is moving out of the city...moving house is not the best thing - imagine the combined inconvenience of :

a) having to sort out your stuff into two categories 'shit to be thrown away now', 'shit to be thrown away by your mum in a few months time'.
b) having to leave the land of 24 hour transport to take you to theatres, bars and clubs etc
c) having to move back into the parental home; as the old saying goes there's no such thing as a free lunch. Just as, to get IMF grants, developing countries have to generally prastrate themselves at the knees of US capitalism, so too, to get free food at home I have to submit to being constantly interrogated about where I'm going, coming back etc...

But all is not lost - have a part time job lined up to pay for India trip this December so won't be too bored...then off to Oxford for a year to do masters...on that subject read something in The Guardian recently about animal rights activists planting a bomb in the Oxford University boathouse.

Thats the thing about England - when you leave London even the terrorism is second rate !
In the words of the Governor of California - 'I'll be back'.


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