Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hardworking Families

Keep hearing references to 'hardworking families' in this election camapign.

Presumably politicians' use of this term means that there are some families they regard as not hardworking, i.e. lazy.

Lazy people are human beings too...I think they deserve a party to look after their interests at Westminster.

Oh another cracking manifesto from the Monster Raving Loony Party; aka the BNP (the wide-awake scion of UKIP); whilst they've gone for the de rigeur "being tough on the causes of crime - criminals" (especially rich given half of them have criminal convictions and their leader is, as we speak, facing criminal charges), their best pledge is to make owning a compulsory assult rifle COMPULSORY (yes you read that correctly)...apparently to shoot burglars, asylum seekers etc.

Oh dear.


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