Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Divine Investment Opportunity

This week Spindoctor has a share tip for you...

Last week a US Oil Company Zion Oil (incorporated in Delaware - incidentally anyone reading this who can tell me why US companies are invariably incorporated here, please do let me know) run by a Texan Evangelist Christain commenced drilling for oil on a 95,800 acre site located onshore between Tel Aviv and Haifa...

Now I'm not an expert on the petro-chemical industry but I assumed that before an oil company actually spend millions of Dollars of shareholders money in setting up a drill and extraction machinery they would employ the services of specialist geologists to try and determine whether oil actually exists below the drill site...basic common sense, no ?

Imagine my surprise when I read that, the CEO of Zion, John Brown, is placing his chips (well to be fair his shareholder's chips) on, er, the word of God. "I prayed for oil and the Lord said 'yes'", Brown reportedly said in an interview...he then quoted a passge in Deuteronomy : "Be Asher blessed above sons, and let him dip his foot in oil".

He then added, "this is about proving the Bible's true," he added. What a brilliant opportunity folks : merely by giving this man my money I can prove the veracity of Bible. I will be calling my broker first thing Monday morning...I suggest all my readers do the same.

That these clowns have somehow become the most powerful nation on Earth is to my mind the best evidence yet that a) there is a God, and b) this God - for some unknown reason - favours them. I can think of no other logical explanation...


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