A Tale of Two Politicians
Two politicians were in the news recently...
Firstly 'Uncle' Ken Livingstone, who was suspended from his (elected) job for referring to an Evening Standard hack who had been pursuing him down the street shouting at him as 'a Naxi war criminal'...understandably this was fairly offensive to the Jewish reporter; of course Rothermere's rags have not always been so highly sensitive to these causes, not least when the Daily Mail went into bat for, er Oswald Mosely !
Secondly Tessa Jowell, queen of the 'Blair Babes' and Culture Secretary (as well as being responsible for sport, no-one mention Wembley Stadium) who's husband (they've now separated so she can spend more time with her career) has allegedly taken a "gift" (a technical term in the law of property for a bribe) from lovable Italian rogue Silvi Berlusconi in exchange for "helpful" testimony in the Italian courts...
Both politicians are basically innocent and will stay in their jobs - after all it would be a bit rich for Blair to sack Jowell after he himself accepted a free holiday from Silvio only a few years ago); however, you have to ask which is more serious - a stupid but provoked remark to a tabloid hack on the one hand, or a spose rolling (allagedly) in money donated by a less than clean Italian politician; the latter, assmuing - and its a pretty safe assumption - that there's more that could come out of the woodwork creates an obvious conflict of interest and is a blackmail risk...
Oh well, maybe God can judge this one too...
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