Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Little Britain meets Hardcore

Well it's been another interesting weekend in the world of Spin...

Friday did the traditional family Easter- ie. visit gran in Folkestone; this town, best known as the British end of the Channel Tunnel has had quite a bad press over the past few decades - for the perfectly good reason that it is a dump. Actually though it looked strangely better this time - maybe something to do with shortness of the visit (26 hours) or because I haven't seen the sea for ages. The trip was also interesting for me because I was able to visit territory straight out of the sitcom 'Little Britain'. Located a few miles outside Folkestone, 'The Drum', recently refurbished, is actually a first rate pub, don't get me wrong - its just the generous sprinkling of copies of the 'Daily Mail' (the only paper on offer) and the general feeling that the two world wars and several centuries of fighting the French have conclusively defined our relationship with Europe and there is really nothing more to say. Had the opportunity to talk to someone who - having (amazingly ?) been up to London recently - complained about the incompetent running of the Tube (don't we all) and the fact that, well, the station manager was, er, 'black'...as if this somehow explained the ills of the system. Oh dear.

Actually was still a thoroughly entertaining afternoon - the pub had laid on a live band and a troupe of increasingly drunk morris dancers (note to non-English readers, these are silly old men that do traditional dances with bells attached to their feet) who also specialised in singing hilariously rude songs...and the landlord was one of the most chatty/friendly I've ever met.

Saturday had to return to the ol' smoke for Transmission, a massive hardcore, D'n'B and old skool rave up the road from me at Alexandra Palace...literally the most amazing venue I've ever been to - thanks to 'the time thieves' changing the clocks (something, apparently to do with Scottish farmers - bastards), got to sleep at 7.30am...needless to say Sunday was a washout...although was thoroughly exhilarated by the combination of sipping ale with ye merry little Englanders one day and, the next, going to an underground dance music rave.

Today had usual wander round the giant useless junk emporium that is Camden - now have an incense burner (useful, eh !) on my desk. More importantly bought a badge to define my final weeks at LSE - it says "Bullshit Free Zone"...

Tomorrow - revision starts; can hardly wait...


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