Friday, April 29, 2005

Chav Tourism

It was at a mate's birthday last night, that I heard a brilliant new idea for a the next BIG thing to hit the UK tourism industry - Chav spotting.

It all stared with that old chesnut of questions...."what is a chav"; my good friend (from Croydon, South London) tried to explain the concept to these guys from Switzerland (with some difficulty - in a country where an IR student's starting salary is £35k its understandably hard to grasp the concept) - her mate (also from Croydon) then intervened, suggesting we all go on a night out to Croydon....

The following e-mails resulted : scroll down and start reading from the bottom up...

From: Anon
Sent: 29 April 2005 14:57
To: Undisclosed recipients
Subject: RE: CR0ydon tours..

As we said you can't schedule fights in croydon they just happen. i know for sure there will be at least one though .... shoes anything as long as they aren't not trainers- otherwise you'll get agro from bouncers but then again... good plan for starting a fight! wear some bling bling man jewellery guys-medallions, gold chains, signet rings etc. girls we’ll do scrapped back ponytails so stock up on the hairgel.

Pierre no dogs racing in croydon as such but look at a guy with a dog the wrong way and there will be dog fighting…. Most likely to occur in new addington. We’ll bring some chicken nuggets to bait them…

can't wait - itinerary of fun pending...

-----Original Message-----
From: Anon1
Sent: Fri 4/29/2005 1:40 PM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: WG: CR0ydon tours..

I already soooo excited.... is the fight gonna happen at the new addington estate? or is that scheduled for later in a raunchy pub? do we have to wear special shoes or bring anything? please let us know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anon
Sent: Fri 29/04/2005 12:59
Subject: CR0 tours..

yo G

for the griitty forensics crime elemenet of the tour we should go to the new addington estate we can get the tram out there and see criminals in their natural breading ground- and we also have a real purpose to use the tram. pass on to the massive




Whilst Spindoctor is not normally one to dabble in the stock market, Chav Tours is definitely an industry to my (other) good friend from Harrow would say - "innit" !


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