Sunday, March 20, 2005

End of Term

Well, I hope no-one's feeling the clawing hand of nostalgia having been to the last proper end-of-term Crush (LSE's Friday night for people with nothing better to do) - if so, don't - it was shit, is shit and will always be shit. And I'm not bitter because a) felt yesterday morning like I had a hamster running around inside my head) and b) my housemate (the very same 'cooler' one mentioned earlier - I can't convey in words how ironic I'm being with this epithet - just take my word for it) was rather full of it after returning to a certain lady's flat mid-Crush and - actually making it back before the end. A possible challenger for Paddy Ashdown's 15 second record ?!

Anyway Spindoctor is taking a well deserved weekend away from the mayhem that is life in London, visiting a couple of friends in Cambridge; one is the member of several successful jazz/funk bands and lives in a palatially sized room in Trinity College (some readers may recognize the identity of this person)...the other I'm meeting for lunch 'after church'. To get a couple of things clear, this guy used to be more skeptical about religion than I am now (amazingly this is possible)...obviously his amazingly fit evangelical girlfriend had nothing to do with it...Oh well, at least I have Jerry Springer the Opera to listen to on my Ipod !

Back soon,
Spindoctor .


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